Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Career Fair, Post Office, and School, oh my.

Okay, I may take a break for a few days after this post.....

This morning I went to classes and then headed over to the CEAT Career Fair. There were 143 companies there looking for employees! Unfortunately, less than half wanted EE majors, and of those, only about 15 offered positions in the state of Oklahoma, and of those, about 10 wanted people for internships (the rest wanted full-time employees, which is certainly understandable). I went to the five or so booths that qualified for my criteria. I had this one guy pull me aside and give me quite a sales pitch about why his company needed me and even though I was an Electrical Engineer they use students like me from all sorts of majors etc. etc. He went on for a while, I tried saying a couple of things but couldn't get a word in edgewise. He then asked me how far along I was in my major, I said I had nearly three years to go and he groans "OH!, man, will you let me cry on your shoulder!" I got that reaction a bit. Companies aren't necessarily looking for students who will just work for a summer, they were looking for December graduates who would work for a lifetime! I certainly understand that.

I stopped by the FBI booth. The lady introduced herself and asked if I wanted to work for the FBI and carry a gun. I hope that's not the only incentive! She said I had to be twenty-three though, and be physically fit (I don't think she was insinuating I was not). She gave me a small, handheld calculator that looks like a tiny plastic cell-phone. It flips open. Cool!

I also stopped by Lockheed Martin and a couple of other companies and got some information. One company, that makes GPS systems, said they might be able to use me, they work out of the East side of Tulsa (which is within my range I guess) and he said to contact the office in about January with my resume (just imagine there are little accent marks over that).

I came home and finished up some things and ate lunch, then headed back to campus. After my 12:30 class, I printed off some papers in the Classroom building and then headed back to talk to my Physics professor about a problem I had worked on (incorrectly as it turned out). He pointed me in the right direction. Then I went down to the basement to await my Physics TA, working on Circuits homework in the meantime. I also discovered that somehow, all of my pencils had been taken out of my backpack (I'd grab one when I needed it for a problem and they all gathered on my desk) and the ONLY pencil I had, was a huge carpenter's pencil that I had found on the sidewalk. So I used that to leave big fat symbols on the page.

When my TA showed up, he helped me with this week's homework, getting it all laid out. Sometimes I just need a few pointers on the problem and then can take the rest of it from there, I just don't know where to start all the time (this is all new to me). There were a couple that I didn't finish, but the majority of them are. I've got two session for help in the coming week, so I should be set!

I dropped by the post office on the way home to see if a package was possibly there that my mother had sent priority mail and had not arrived for well, nearly three weeks! Sure enough, it was and the guy there wagged his finger at me, pointing to the date on the box and said I received a notification about it. I emphatically denied it. There has not been a single slip of paper in my box since I've been up here, save for a newspaper that showed up last week. The RV park owner here said that was during the time they had a substitute mail carrier and he/she always screws things up. I'm glad to get the box though (it's tapes that the W's let me borrow for my family).

And I finished up a few things at home. Right now, I've got about an hour left before I hit the sack, so I'm going to spend the time (D.V.) doing some reading finally!


At 6:55 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you hate that feeling when you realize you the pencils aren't there? I showed up for my first test this week, reached into my backpack, and suddenly remembered taking all the pencils out at the end of the spring semester. Thankfully, I had enough time to return to my dorm for pencils, come back and take the test, but I wouldn't want to do that too often.

At 5:31 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have career fairs like that at Tulsa all the time. I've never gone to one, but it sounds like they wouldn't be much use. *sigh*

Ah, yes, the wonderful feeling of getting a package. I'm still gloating over the one my mother sent me a couple of weeks ago. :o)

At 6:53 AM PDT, Blogger Petr said...

Hmm, I wish you'd send me a package, Frodo. Its always good to get something from relatives. Hey, if you send me something there is actually a slight possibility that I might send YOU something! :)

What is the use of that career fair thing? I mean aside from the handouts...

At 1:44 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clay, that sounds like material for a really disturbing night mare.

By the way, we really had a grand time with your family here a few weeks ago. One of your sisters got to spend the night with us on the spur of the moment, using borrowed everythings. That was fun, although I'm not sure I've ever had the pleasure of having a sleep over quite so spur of the moment. You have a lovely family and we're sorry you couldn't be there, too. Hope all is well with you.

Shadow, I have to say something to you. After all, it's your comment page. Aren't you thankful for people who leave their gear behind? I've more than once found old writing equipment left behind and pick it up thinking it might come in handy sometime. I guess in this case it really did. It's amazing what people will discard.


At 9:26 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like an interesting episode with the pencil :-)


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