Tuesday, September 05, 2006

It feels like a Monday.....

Well, I had an 8:30 discussion group I went to this morning. I ended up arriving at 7:30 (to get a parking spot) and spending a little time on the computers.

The discussion went all right, there wasn't a whole lot to talk about aside from three examples our TA had brought, which I was able to solve before she had finished (I "race" because that's a good indication to me whether or not I understand the material). Then I went back to the camper for a short while, worked on various things, and received an e-mail telling me that I should meet with the head of the Electrical Engineering department for the presentation of a check for the scholarship I won recently. They wanted to get a picture and he told me to dress up for it ;)

I trudged down to the building at 11:45, got my mugshot taken while shaking hands and he passed off the check and paper. Then I waited around until my 12:30 class, which went better than it had been (Physics). Afterwards, I marched up to my Calculus instructor's office to get some tips on some problems he had assigned. I am convinced I have one of the best Calculus teachers in the school. His name is Rahuram and he is excellent so far. I was able to work a dozen problems in a matter of minutes after visiting his office.

I'm also convinced I have one of the best Physics TA's in the school, Ben Grossman. I went down to his office hour at 2:30 to work on a couple of problems. He was working with another lady on last week's homework and I hung around for a little while and then went to the MLRC to work on the computer there, using the program "Maple" for some plot fields. I'd never been in there before and it's a pretty nice facility.

I had arranged to meet Jonathan and Jon at 5:00 so I went home at about 4:00 and saw the mail car at the boxes. I waited until she had left and then anxiously peered inside my box, hoping that some of the books I had ordered had finally arrived. Nothing.

So I parked my car and walked over to the owner's house, hoping perhaps she had dropped them off there because they were too big for the mailbox. There were about 8 packages sitting on the porch and every one of them had my name on it. Eureka! I took two trips getting them all over to my camper and eagerly slit open each box. My goodness! It's like having a birthday party all by oneself! I was dying for someone to visit so I could show them all off! I don't know what I'm going to do now though. I can't sacrifice studying time but I am dying to read them all as well. I'm also trying not to compromise like I normally do, by reading a few pages in each :D

Jon and Jonathan and I went out to dinner at Hunan's chinese restaurant. It was pretty empty and I felt bad because I think the new chinese buffet is in a better location and steals a lot of business. I like Hunan's because it seems to be this one family who runs it. It's good as long as you have the buffet, otherwise you might have to wait a while for you food, something gets lost in the translation I think. I'm sorry Liz!

We had a good time discussing various issues, then we headed over to their apartment and watched one of Jonathan's Cross TV tapes, on the new birth. Afterward, I discovered Pilgrim's Progress and eagerly began reading it aloud, Jonathan acting out the scene with Apollyon while I gave fierceness and anger vs. courage and trusting in God's promises into the voices. They said they may ask me to read it on Sundays since I read it a bit faster (perhaps too fast, whenever I get into a battle scene I feel like I have to race through it excitedly). Then I came home. I've got three homeworks to turn in tomorrow, I'll receive two more to do tomorrow, and one that is due Friday. It's going well!


At 9:05 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Pilrim's Progress is something we've read and reread here on Sabbath afternoons. We've listened to dramatizations as well, but reading the real thing is the best thing. I hope y'all enjoy them.


At 10:45 AM PDT, Blogger Shadow said...

I have enjoyed Pilgrim's Progress (both the book and dramatizations) for quite a few years as well. I actually was thinking last semester about reading it aloud to Jonathan and Jon when they came over on Sunday afternoons because neither had ever read it. I know I will enjoy it very much!

At 5:39 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds like a very pleasant day.

We have so many Chinese buffets in town...! I wonder how all of them stay in business. Hunan used to be one of my parents' favorite places to go, I think.

After you finish "Pilgrim's Progress", there's another allegory by Bunyan that might interest you. You'll have to ask my father because I can't remember the title, but it's about Satan's battle for men's souls. The soul is allegorized as a city, and of course each inhabitant is a particular aspect of the soul. It's a little similar to C.S. Lewis's "Screwtape Letters". When my dad read it to us, we really enjoyed it, so that might be something to investigate later... when you've finished reading all those other books. :o)

At 6:15 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The book F.B. mentions is The Holy War. I didn't read it, but my son did several years ago and enjoyed it.

At 7:17 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ACCHHHH. You win, Shadow. Eight books in one day! I thought I was doing good when I got six this afternoon, but you put me to shame . . .


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