Monday, August 28, 2006

Brief Blog

Sorry I haven't updated for a couple of days, it seems that every evening has been busy. Tonight, unexpectedly, Jonathan popped in and said that his small group was meeting in twenty minutes and wanted to know if I would like to come. I jumped up and grabbed my Bible and we left.

The evening went well. There were 9 people there total, which was smaller than however many had signed up. Yet not everyone was notified of this too (because of communication problems) so that's understandable. Everyone introduced themselves, gave their major and hometown, stated whether they liked Cream Soda (Jon and Jonathan's new fad) and whether or not they liked and then shared a "fun fact" or "embarrassing story." All the essentials in other words.

Jonathan then introduced what his hope was for the small group and told everyone that if they disagreed with what was said, that he was begging them to come to him and discuss it instead of simply leaving and going somewhere else. Because people could always just do that. Then we read through First and Second Peter and prayed around the room for various things. It was interesting getting to know everyone. Julianna (Jonathan's partner) reminded me a lot of F.B. in the way she looked and even her voice, though she talked a lot more. She definitely has a knack for keeping conversations going with a group of people there, always asking little questions and trying to make people feel comfortable. I could see what I thought were a few worried looks on her face from time to time though!

The girls stayed around talking about how hard it is for their girlfriends at seminary to find a guy to date, and how so and so is dating so and so. Rot and rubbish. I went outside to play basketball with Jon, though I'm not a basketball player by any means! The video of GameBoy is actually somewhat accurate. No acting required for the part.

Then Jonathan and Jon and myself went to play ping-pong. I played Jon for two games. The first I didn't win, he lost (there is an important distinction) and the second one was a lot closer. Then Josh (the third, silent roommate) came down and played for a little while. It was funny, he was in his room the entire time the Bible study went on and I had no idea he was even in the house!

Jonathan played Josh and barely beat him. Then I played one game with Jonathan and got away with 21 to 14 I think. He wanted a rematch but I said I had to get home. It was late (9:20) and I just got home at about 9:30. So I'm going to have to cash in for the night and write about Friday, Saturday, and Sunday some other time :(

I've got some quotes stored up to share as well and I'm looking forward to posting those.


At 6:06 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad Jonathan's Bible study is going well. Nine seems like a lot of people--most of the time we had about half that in the freshman girls' study last year.

Oh, dear ping-pong has taken over again. At CY retreats, everyone always plays ping-pong. It's funny to watch the round robin matches where they have about twenty people playing, running around the table and desperately trying to keep the ball bouncing back and forth.

Found someone who looks like me.... Hmmm.... I'm glad to hear she has better conversational skills than I do. :o)


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