Thursday, August 24, 2006

Not much to (or at) State.

Today was fairly uneventful. I spent the morning working on some of my Circuits homework, then went to my Physics class. I had a two hour span in between that and my Physics discussion period so I dropped by and talked to one of my old professors. I also went down into the basement to do some more homework (as much as I had with me) and then laid down on the couch. I was the only one in the entire basement of ES, the computer lab hasn't been opened yet this semester. I was feeling very drowsy so I laid down while listening to a sermon but was getting to the point where I was just about to doze off, so I stopped listening, turned out the lights to the student lounge, and took a short (20 minute) nap.

Then I spent a bit of time reading and checking up on things at the computer lab, printing out new material and homework assignments (there seems to be a bunch of them!) and things like that. My Physics discussion ended early (because there wasn't a whole lot to discuss this week I imagine) and I came home.

The most exciting thing that happened today was I bought some new RAM for my laptop. I was pushing the upper limit all the time. Most people don't know how I've got by this long with only 256. I bought a stick of 512 (I had to do a bit of research to find out which one I needed first) and installed it. Unfortunately because the way my motherboard is set up (the same with older laptops) I can't have both my old 256 board and the new 512 in there at the same time or else my computer won't start up. So I just have to waste the old one I guess. I was hoping for 768MB of memory too!

Then I worked on my Calculus homework, as much as the class has gone through and then I started writing this. The day hasn't been filled with that much reading so I don't have any snippets to share tonight unfortunately. And this is an incredibly short post too! Oh well, I guess we're allowed that every once in a while eh? Good night :)


At 5:52 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fell asleep today, too, between reading stuff for Poetry class and going to supper.

We have a paper due in Shakespeare on Monday! The professor *still* hasn't given us our exact assignment. Oh, dear.

At 12:52 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's nice to have a relatively calm days interspersed with those of feverish activities. Hope you get some reading done soon.



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