Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Quick Updates

Monday morning was spent doing a little bit of Calculus homework, Differential Equations homework, and getting everything set up for the coming week (i.e. making sure I had all my homework prepared and ready to turn in and knew what to expect!). I wasn't able to finish everything so I collected that too and plan on asking the assistance of a TA or instructor.

During lunch, I spent a little bit of time watching a Superman episode and listening to the commentary. It was a commentary for The Missing Cape but let me explain a bit.

The commentator was a biographer for the actor (George Reeves) who used to play Superman in the old black and white episodes. He started through, giving history and little interesting bits of information. In the episode itself, a robber stumbles into Clark Kent's apartment, discovers a secret closet, and finds the suit and steals it. The commentator said that he thought it was odd that the suit would be in the closet because doesn't Clark always transform almost immediately into Superman? Insinuating that he has his suit on underneath. I waited for him to continue that thought later but he never mentioned it again. Yet in the episode, Kent mentions that he had been out to get a Physical in compliance with a new policy at the Daily Planet. Obviously he couldn't wear his suit to get a physical, think what would happen if the doc told him to lift up his shirt!

I bet the commentator knew this but just didn't mention it, but I spent about 15 minutes trying to track him down on the Internet, and finally found an e-mail address and sent him a "fair-to-middlin'" sized e-mail describing the incident. I described this to Jonathan and he told me that he'd probably start backing slowly away from the computer saying "yeah, sure kid. You're really weird." or something like that. Hey! It's important to me! I'm vindicating the screenwriter, he actually did do his job in a good way!

JD e-mailed me asking if I could come over and do some filming on Cat Girl that afternoon but then e-mailed pretty quickly after that saying that Daniel couldn't come. Ladies and Gentlemen, the suspense builds, the plot thickens, the story grows. Be prepared to remain at the edge of your seats during the upcoming blockbuster: Cat Girl! Unfortunately right now, most of the footage and story seems to be about GameBoy. JD's working on correcting that.

That evening, the N's had invited me over for hamburgers and I really enjoyed my time. We talked about a large assortment of things, from hunting and fishing to books on marriage vs. singleness, athletics and P.E., Hebrews and 1 Corinthians, etcetera (most of it while tossing a nerf football around the room). There was also an episode of Three Stooges, called Micro Phonies I believe. It was pretty funny too.

Also, even with the extra day, this weekend seemed to be awfully short. Like this post.


At 5:35 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So they saved the Three Stooges until after I'd left? That sounds about right. :o)

Oh, dear, I can hardly wait till Catgirl comes out. *grin* Laura and Stephen keep going over to the Parnells' house to work on it, and they come back with some pretty hilarious stories.


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