Friday, January 20, 2006


Okay, so maybe that's not a good one. When I had J. Nathan over for lunch yesterday, did I mention what we had? Um.... yeah. Burritos. And then for lunch and supper today? Burritos. Come to think of it, I actually had one for breakfast too I think (I was in a hurry and it sounded warm). Though THAT is out of the ordinary. Even J. Nathan said they were really good and I obviously like them! I did buy some hotdogs (Boromir's suggestion) and I should eat those tomorrow perhaps, or next week. If I HAVE to.

Let me see. It's already really late but I'll just be like every other college student and say "well, it's Friday night, I can sleep in Saturday." Yeah right, we'll see if that happens! This morning I got up and ran through some Physics things (I was slightly concerned about our first Phsyics quiz coming up today) and made sure I had the formulas memorized that we were going to be using. Then I headed off to Calculus class at about 8:40 this morning (so I could get a parking spot), filled out a form while waiting for class to start and then we had the class. I think the instructor is doing a fine job and I appreciate him, he's the foreigner I spoke about. I googled him (lovely how that has become a verb now) and found out some information, namely that he was the mathematical "descendant" of some old mathematics professor at Berkley in California. Hmm..... I'd never heard of such a thing before but apparently there is a large site that lists decendants and "fathers" of mathematicians and who they studied under. Does the name Rachid Belhachemi strike a bell with anyone? So now that I know his old professor's name (and actually found a picture of him interestingly enough) I am going to perhaps print it out at the end of my homework I submit this week (no explanation of course) and see what he thinks of it. For one of his students to suddenly turn in homework with the picture of his old mentor (whom he'd never mentioned) should be slightly interesting ;)
My, I do like to live on the edge I suppose, I'm not the typical student.

Immediately following was our Physics discussion and then quiz. Apparently three people (or perhaps more) in our little group had forgotten to bring calculators. The problem that was randomly picked out however, did not need a calculator. But we didn't know that at first so I lent one of mine to a student behind me. I had finished my quiz (as soon as we turned it in we could go) and waiting for my calculator to be returned before I got up, and then the guy stood up, turned in his paper and went to leave, I blurted out "Um! My calculator?" I started looking behind me thinking perhaps he had pushed it under my chair or something. He looked a little puzzled and then OH! Quickly opened his backpack and there it was. "My bad." He said. I said "thank you in return" but I'm not sure if I'll lend out my calculator to him again. I am pretty sure it was a mistake but obviously he didn't think too much of borrowing a calculator. When I borrow anything it's constantly on my mind that I have to get it back before too long, don't forget! Don't forget! Well, he forgot.

Then I had an hour break where I went over to the Computer Science room and waited for class to start (in an hour) while I did some Calculus homework. There was one sequence that I couldn't figure out the formula for but I'll look at it again tomorrow. I could see the pattern easily enough but how to express that with n's and n+1's was difficult for some reason, I just couldn't see it right off. The hour thus quickly did pass by and after class I went home really quick to grab a bite to eat (of burrito of course) and pick up my books for the afternoon lab which I had carelessly left behind. Well, I was packing around both my Physics book and Calculus book all day (the two biggest textbooks I've ever had) so the additional weight would have made my backpack perhaps groan in frustration. We wouldn't want Calculus equations spilled all over the sidewalk would we? Who would put back together the quadratic formula after it explodes?

Speaking of Strong Bad (that was an inside joke just above by the way) Tlepolemus, you might like this one because of some of the words and um.... stereotypical ridiculousness of it all.
Dark Warrior showed it to me first (a new happening) but then again, I hadn't checked for anything new in a couple days ;)

So let me see, after wolfing down some food (burrito you'll recall) I headed back to lab at 2:00, which lasted until 5:20 for me because I stayed an extra 40 minutes or so to get everything done. Most people left right as soon as it was okay to leave but just a little extra longer and I wouldn't have to worry about anything until next Friday so that's what I did. Staring at a computer screen trying to get all the lines perfect, nearly pixel by pixel was tough though. You start rubbing your eyes and blinking, looking at the screen sideways and squirming in your seat after three hours of it. Bleh. That's one reason I didn't go into computer science. I just can't sit there that long in front of a screen.

And then I was invited to the basketball games that the P's and N's were in! It was homecoming so I did want to come and it was really fun, especially because OUR teams won, both the girls and boys. The boy's team wasn't playing as well as normally (I'm told) and were behind a number of points at times (there's a vague description if I ever saw one) but managed to come back and win by a wide margin at the end of the fourth quarter, all things considered!

I'm not much of a team sports fan (I like golfing with friends, fencing, tennis as most everyone knows) but it was fun to go and do that. I also played with Christa and Mary a bit but I'm not sure if that was a good thing because well, screams of "More! More!" and just general screaming might not have been the best. I certainly didn't calm them down. I wonder if any kind of play would have that effect though.... hmm...... Certainly the "throw you over my shoulder and carry you off to my castle where I eat little girls up" type of play doesn't have that effect I've observed.

I talked with Dark Warrior and Daniel for a while before the game but was invited to sit next to Mrs. N and Gus! We talked about various things and at halftime I was able to go out and get my sheets of computer drawings I'd done that afternoon and show them off. At least all that eye-ball pain should be good for something right? They are not much of course, but they look all right I like to think.

I stuck around for a while afterward, picking up chairs, trying to play ball with Christa (who did NOT want to pass it) and wandering around, observing. I found out that I recognized one of the students from my Chemistry class last semester, I definitely remembered him (he always seemed so quiet and I was pretty sure he must have been homeschooled, there was just that "thing"). He turned out to be the brother of two other players on the boys team, a Kirby I guess. Originally (last semester I thought he looked like he could be the brother of a young lady in another of my classes and who is in one of my classes this semester. I asked her about it but she said she didn't have a brother. This is kind of a tangent but.... she seems like a very nice young lady (also a homeschooler I'd imagine) and is very studious, is in a lot of places on campus (she commutes so she stays there all day, much like myself, and much like myself she is there an hour before class starts to read or study in the room while waiting) and wears very modest clothing, like what I would expect the young ladies from our church to wear. She normally has a handkerchief as sort of binding up the back of her hair but not like Mennonite by any means. I would not be surprised to find out she was a Christian though I've not asked yet. I don't usually go up and talk to girls.

Anyway (to continue on this tangent) I'm the type who keeps my eyes open (which is one reason why I recognize people all over campus, because I'm always scanning the crowds and if I've seen a classmate once or twice most likely I'll remember them, that is, if they actually do COME once or twice to class) and when she was picking up homework, well, I have good eyesight and was able to pick up at least the first name. So a few weeks later when I passed her I said "Caroline? Do you have a brother on campus." Ah, I love surprises. Turned out she didn't and my observational conjecture was false. So back to Kirby, next time I see him I may say "hi [first name], how are you?" because now I know his name. I'm sure he'd probably recognize me too though, because we'd caught eyes before during classes. He always wears interesting shirts, green and pink striped and such.... Seems like a nice young man though.

Now, going back in thought to many paragraphs above, after the game was over and everyone was leaving (including myself) and while I was driving home, at the stoplight I saw a guy trying to push his truck back up the hill, he was to the left street and I was going straight but I felt I couldn't just drive on (you know, after a rousing basketball game you just have to let it out somewhere) so I swung into the Church of Christ parking lot ahead and ran across the lawns to give him a hand. The P van pulled up at that time and they offered a hand as well so "fooferhead" (as I'll say because of that ridiculous wig, I don't know his nickname or hobbit name, by the way, that wig is hilarious) got out and helped push a little (minus the wig) and then to steer the truck while the man and myself pushed. Ah! It felt good to really strain at something as you're pushing with all your might just for the sheer pleasure of it. We got it back up the hill a ways (and into the wrong lane but thankfully there was no car coming) and then into a side driveway coming out of Church of Christ. He said thank you and then I ran off back to the car. I should have offered a ride or something but I'm sure Pastor did that as well as offered the use of the phone if necessary. My legs felt rather tight while running and I felt stiff for a few steps before they loosened up again (after the pushing). My but the exercise felt good though!

And that just goes to show that you never know what may come up, I was planning on getting home and into bed but things do come up, some e-mails also that needed to be answered directly (and then though I didn't need to do a long post, I did anyway). I don't mind too much though, it's all part of God's plan. I do need to get to bed now though, it's 11:15 p.m. I guess I'll just sleep in tomorrow ;)

Hopefully this long, rambling, half-asleep post wasn't too painful and makes up for the "post-it-note" that I did yesterday. Gus, if this doesn't put you to sleep, I don't know what will :~)


At 9:56 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooogh, eating burritos every day. Yuck. That's about as bad as eating canned peaches every day for lunch (as I do--with other things, though).

So glad the homecoming games went well! And you met C--b Kirby. He is a nice person, quite polite and friendly. One of his friends is here at college--an acquaintance of mine.

It is interesting to see classmates outside of class. You get to know more about them that way, even if you don't actually talk to them. One girl, who's fairly outspoken and serious in class, has turned out (upon further acquaintance) to be quite a funny person, with all sorts of ridiculous tales. I saw her goofing off with her friends once, and was rather surprised.

At 9:59 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. I think I know who Mr. Belhachemi is. If you look him up on Google, you'll find that he's done a great deal of work with a math professor who's closely related to Arwen. :)

At 7:07 AM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

That's where I found out about him, on Google ;) and his relationship to someone closely related to Arwen is what prompted me to mention it.

This was an easy type of search, I've come across some that were much more difficult. For example, there was a man I worked with a while back (online) in the gaming community, he ran the site and I was news writer. Well, suddenly he shut it down saying that it had become too much for him and especially during that season. He was a postal worker with a wife and two children. I was very worried about him because little hints from his manner in writing this final post, and just the style (which was unlike him normally) sounded VERY much like he might be in some sort of depression and even suicidal! It turned out later that he had suffered a nervous breakdown and that was very close to being the case.

So anyway, a few months had gone by (with no responses to e-mail, he never came back online with the Instant Messenger, never posted anywhere) so I started searching. It wasn't an extremely unique name such as Belhachemi or Grinshpan but I finally did find out that his daughter had submitted times for a game, so I found out his daughter's name, then, using that I was able to find sort of a family profile (since he had married his wife who already had a daughter I believe) and then was able to find out his wife's name! Well, from that I was able to locate a webpage (that he had made a while back for her scrapbooking services) and on the webpage was coming up events and her work phone number. So I called and left a message just explaining who I was and how I was just concerned for Dave. No response from that so I called again a few weeks later and that time she must have let him know and he did send me an e-mail.

A lot of tracking down but it was worth it :) It is amazing how much is on the Internet that you can find if you know how.

At 7:13 AM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

It was also pointed out to me (by M.O.M) that I had spelled "weight" as "wait" and "OUR teams one" instead of "won."

That's absolutely horrible. I appeal to my tiredness, either that or *gasp* Microsoft Word's spellchecker is invading my mind! I almost never use spellcheckers but anyway. Those were two bad instances. My fingers were typing while my eyes were sleeping I guess, and they can't spell as well.

P.S. I almost said "too bad instances" up there. What is going on?

At 11:21 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what a burrito is, but I do the same, I make a big pot of spaghetti sauce, put it in small containers and freeze it, then eat spaghetti, noodles, rice or whatever with the sauce and have a meal with salad out of a package. So don't let it bother you. Sorry I wasn't aware of how hard the drawings were last night. They looked square and like the things you said and I should have raved. Sorry, I have forgotten the mother business after so many years of being away from it.
Glad you know who C b is, he is the one who last year just amazed me in his ability to fly through the air like Michael Jordan did. I have enjoyed basketball ever since K k played it with the Y and O was fond of it too, now I watch the Spurs avidly when I can and love to see their spirit of teamness. Gusomumiflg

At 5:46 PM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

Gusomumiflg? Is that some sort of coded message for me to figure out? :)

Oh, I was happy just to be able to show my computer drawings to someone! They took a while to draw and I know they didn't look like much but I'm happy with them ;)

At 7:28 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Try doing a google search on Olin Fearing, KU Basketball. Look for the dates 1917 and 1918.



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