Friday, January 13, 2006

Lions and tigers and blogs, oh my!

I think it was yesterday afternoon that I eating lunch (you know, the stick the burrito in the microwave kind) that I decided to turn on the TV for a few minutes, the first time I'd done it since I arrived here and guess what was on? Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood! Well, I HAD to watch it of course. It was entertaining and I liked the work with the puppets that they had, though his voice wasn't the best, it worked for Daniel the Tiger. They had another puppet come to "class" and show some of her wildlife pictures. Most of the time the show was on I read e-mail and responded rather than paid attention though. Then it was turned off in about 15 minutes.

So let me see....

Today was a really long day, I spent 9 hours on campus, from about 8:00 this morning until 5:00, there was almost solid classes, there were two, one-hour breaks in between some of them but I spent that time reading my textbooks I had brought with me, Digital Logic (which was very boring) and Java (almost as boring). I don't know which is my favourite textbook this year.... perhaps the Engineering Design.

Speaking of which, that was the last thing I had today, the lab for Engineering Design, the TA is named Julius and seems like he's going to be very nice. I asked him a few questions because I wanted to get my technical drawings just right and I think he appreciated that. I was the last one to leave (and no one had finished the assignment but they left anyway) and he even asked me my name! There's a good sign I guess, when the TA asks you your name on the first day of class. I'm still surprised that people will recognize me this semester and know my name, former classmates I believe but I only saw them a couple of times. They know me, but I'd never spoken to them before this semester. I didn't think my nose was THAT prominent so as to be unforgettable...... other than that, I don't know what would promt them to remember me.

The lab itself went well, the drawing was very, very tedious but I actually enjoyed it. I'll finish up my drawings tomorrow (D.V.) and have them ready to submit next Friday. I guess I have an extra day too, what with MLKJ day......

Well, that's it for tonight, very boring. I did get my brother to take the "moon" quiz, and my mom took it as well but they are the only ones who wanted to waste the time ;) Oh, my dad actually did take it at my brother's prompting. He did pretty good too actually.


At 5:32 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats the moon quiz?

At 10:42 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've started the moon quiz, but I keep thinking of objections to my order and keep revising it until I get very confused. Give me another day or 2.

About your little aside on football: I share your sentiments about football. But basketball is another thing altogether...


At 12:23 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We would occasionally watch Mr. Rogers at my grandparents' house, years ago. It was something of a treat to go to my grandparents' house and watch TV--though I always found the childrens' shows to be rather inane, and the adults' shows to be either boring or disgusting (gory pictures of murders on CNN and all that).

People probably won't forget a student who's as hard working as you appear to be. Most other people don't take so much pain with their studies.

At 7:42 PM PST, Blogger Marigold said...



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