Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Et Two?

I'm kind of sorry for not posting yesterday but I didn't feel like I had enough material, of course I could have done the usual and just made up some stuff as I went along (one of those "that reminds me...." type of posts) but I'd rather not bore. I spent last evening reading Pink's commentary on Hebrews and listening to a tape by R.C. Sproul.

My father has been cooking breakfasts so that has been very nice. I usually will eat a piece of toast or a bowl of cold cereal so it's been a treat to have sausage and eggs instead. The day was spent doing some Corian countertops for a couple that my dad is finishing their house for, so I was down in the shop until after lunch and we had set some stuff up for the glue to dry, then my dad got a "buzz" on his pager: there was a fire (we could see the smoke on the horizon) that the local fire department had been called out to go to. It was in another county but apparently it was a pretty big one so they were calling in the firefighters from all around. My father volunteered at the local fire department so he went out. That was what gave me time to read the commentary (I'm trying to catch up to the Sunday night study in Hebrews) and to listen to the tape.

The commentary is pretty good, it is very thorough and has many quotes from other commentators, which I enjoy reading. There have been a few things that I would disagree with but nothing major and it's been very rewarding. When A.W. Pink (the author) was going through chapter 8 and speaking of Jesus being a high priest and then though He died, His priesthood continued for it was only His body that had died, (a continual priesthood) etc. well, anyway, it's a bit drawn out, but the imagery made me think of the new body promised to believers, and how it will be so much better than what we have now. Not only will it be incorruptible, but a greater capacity to love, a greater capacity to know our Saviour, it's just unfathomable to me.

So I've been enjoying that, the tape that I listened to was R.C. Sproul on the subject of paedobaptism. He and John MacArthur had a debate where both side presented their case and then there was a question and answer session afterwards. Apparently MacArthur and Sproul are good friends so it wasn't exactly heated. I've heard MacArthur's side (against paedobaptism) and then Sproul's side last night. It was well done I thought and he did it very clearly I thought. It is exactly what I have been trying to explain to others, though I have such a hard time putting it all into words, there is really a lot behind it. I have yet to listen to the question and answer time though.

The fire was apparently put out as well, my father returned home later that evening after having saved a couple of houses (hurrah!). The Red Cross had shown up and given the fire fighters hamburgers, sodas, and pizza, that was pretty nice of them.

Then my brother and I watched "Superman: The Movie" just before bed. I used to love that when I was younger (and I still love Superman). There were a lot of shots that I saw this time though that I laughed at because they looked just a tad fake. It's been so long since I last saw it. Superman is a great hero.

Then today we did more Corian, glued up some more pieces and sanded and um.... that kind of thing. Honestly, there isn't really a whole lot to say, at least not anything that would be interesting to read, i.e. "we applied the denatured alcohol in order to remove the dust and oils left by our hands before putting the pieces together. This allows for a stronger bond and should be done carefully to avoid getting MORE oils on the piece to be applied to the countertop." etc.

Dear Shadow:
Have you ever made something, out of something?
Bye, Dan from FL.

Well Jerome, one time when I was about seven years old, two friends of mine and myself got together and were playing around. We decided that we would be inventors (or chemists, take your pick) and make an incredible glue that would be stronger than any other (we probably needed some for the tree fort). We went to the tool shed and hunted around for all kinds of good chemicals and such. I can still remember my meticulous and precise list of ingredients:
"little bit of tite-bond wood glue
little bit of blue spray paint
little bit of super deck stain
little bit of tacky glue"

It turned out as a watery grey paste that I applied with an old paintbrush. Amazingly, it held things together. REALLY well! I repaired a couple of toy guns I had and used it for a couple of other things. I guarded my secret carefully. I am sure in retrospect though that it was the wood glue that did the most good, the other stuff was probably there as something to make it harder to duplicate (sort of like Colonel Sanders' 11 secret herbs and spices, most of which don't do anything). My other friend's glue didn't turn out, it apparently wouldn't hold anything. His younger brother though, made a glue that worked pretty good, he buried it in a plastic container (along with the "recipe") to keep other people from stealing his idea. He forgot where he buried it though.



At 6:15 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


We heard about the fires in your part of OK and that a few structures were even lost. I'm glad things went well for your dad.

It is getting dry here in OK and I guess TX is having an even worse time of it.

This is a good time of year to get caught up on reading. Glad you've found a good book to read. I've got a couple going myself.


At 6:45 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet Charlie was glad that your dad saved some horses.:)

good post. and you forgot to mention the thing in the answer about wondering what fl ment.
free lancer?
foreign legos?
frozen lagoon?
oh ya i got it. hes from frozen lagoon.
well Jerome,.....

At 8:58 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hebrews and Romans are both such wonderful books to read, about Christ, salvation, and the promised Heaven for believers. I've had just enough study of them to make me want to know more.

Praying for rain...! Mr. S and Brother1 are out cutting brush today in case of fires.

At 6:46 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm... your stuff about the application of the alcohol, etc., sounds as though you've been writing the procedure section of lab reports. Better than some procedures I've read...:-)


These random letters for the "word verificatoins" for security certainly are imaginative. I've been trying to get my toungue around "xdzaxucn" - can't do it.


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