Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Shadow Concludes

In the radio shows, the show would almost always end with The Shadow catching the crook and then after it was all over, he would do his chuckle and then said "The weed of crime bears bitter fruit. Crime does not pay! The Shadow knows......" and then it would end with his mocking laugh.

Chapter 7: The Last Shadow

I gazed out the opening of the tunnel and gasped, there were myriads of children working, gathering from what looked to be fields of weeds in the valley on top of the mountain, their faces were dirty and tear-stained and all were so thin that they seemed to be walking skeletons. There were several slave-masters holding whips around, using them liberally upon some poor child who happened to be close enough. I was filled with a blinding rage, I saw a great machine that was near the base of a cliff and it was into a large vat in the center of this machine that all the plants were going, something evil was brewing.
I glanced up and saw a large man at the top of the cliff standing on an overhanging ledge, taller than any other man I’d seen before and I knew it had to be Bizriel himself. The machine was nearing completion and apparently he wanted to be near to see the completion of the machine and it’s operation. I didn’t know what that operation would do but I knew what I had to do at least! I rushed up the pathway leading to the top of the cliff and came up behind Bizriel.
I gave a low chuckle and he whirled around.
“So! It is The Shadow! I suspected from the first! At last I have the pleasure of meeting you, but you are too late, my diabolical plan is nearly complete and nothing, not even The Shadow can stop it!”
We’d see about that!
“I suppose you’re wondering what sort of devious operation I have going on here?” laughed Bizriel mockingly. “Well, I’m going to tell you because it will add to your feeling of helplessness. I have had the evil plot to build this machine for quite some time but unfortunately, not the means. That has come to an end, the machine is completed and all I need is a few more bushels of that weed you see my slaves gathering and my plan to rule the world will be complete!”
I started to exclaim that this was impossible but he must have guessed my thoughts.
“This machine is able to create an incredible pulse of more than a Million Volts and the current from it exceeds 100 Million Amperes, that in and of itself wouldn’t do anything though, we needed a special type of fuel for this machine, which in fact is more of a ray machine, it will send out the genetic code that is housed within those plants and multiply their signal a Trillion times in order to take over the minds of every man and woman and child on the face of this planet! It’s a monstrous plan indeed! This “ray” of mine will break the will of everyone and then I can bend it to my own evil intents!” He gave a hideous laugh.
I choked. “No! It can’t be done, there is no such plant that is powerful enough to bend the will of humans to submit to your own!”
“Ah! But I beg to contradict, there is! Have you not guessed what it is that we are mining? It is……….The weed of crime!”
I clapped a hand to my forehead. Of course! That’s the only logical plant that a criminal mastermind like Bizriel would be farming!
I didn’t know for sure if his plan would succeed or not, it didn’t seem like it but I wasn’t going to take any chances. I was going to destroy that machine or be destroyed in the process.
“Bizriel!” I shouted suddenly. “You’ll never get away with this! The Shadow will see to it!” I rushed at him but apparently he was expecting this and leapt back with surprising agility.
“Hah! Shadow! A cheat are you! Look at what kind of man you are, fighting while invisible! Is that an unfair advantage to yourself? I thought you were more of a man!”
And with this taunt I threw all caution to the wind and revealed myself as who I was.
With a bull’s bellow, Bizriel rushed at me, I ducked at the last second and threw myself at his legs, he fell down with a hard thump, right on top of me and knocking out my wind.
He was up in an instant and so was I, gasping for air.
Bizriel rushed in again, swinging wildly but I was prepared for him. I planted my feet firmly upon the ground and blocking his blows with glancing movements from my forearms, I let both fists loose full in his face.
He staggered back, his lip was bleeding and he wiped it. There was a belligerent smile on his face. “This is going to be good.” He muttered as he stripped off his shirt. I had no time to think on his words, he rushed again and got me in his gorilla arms and started squeezing the life out of me.
I struggled but my arms were pinned to my sides, I couldn’t move! He laughed in pleasure, squeezing harder and harder, I was starting to feel sickly when I got one of my arms free, I quickly grabbed his nose and twisted it as hard as I could. He let out a hurt roar and threw me ten feet away.
I staggered to my feet and waited for his recurring onslaught. Those fists felt like anvils!
We both circled each other, my punches didn’t seem to have much effect on him, big as he was. My head barely came up to his chest!
I was beginning to tire and I didn’t see his left hand coming in, it caught me a resounding blow on the side of the head and I flew threw the air to land on my back, right near the cliff’s edge, I saw fireworks exploding all around me and everything almost went black but I kept my senses through sheer will-power.
“Bizriel looked triumphant, he gloated over me and climbing up a nearby rock formation that was twenty feet high he shouted down: “Goodbye, Shadow!” and jumped straight for my stomach!
I didn’t have much time to react but instinctively I rolled out of the way and just in time. Bizriel’s feet crashed into the ground and his legs crumpled under him, he was stunned for a moment and already I had scrambled to my feet. I heard a great snapping noise and the part of the cliff I and Bizriel were on suddenly began to drop, I clutched for the top of the cliff as it flew by me and just caught it, hanging on with both hands. The part of the overhang that was falling was plummeting downward, somersaulting over and over in the air and the then there was a resounding smash! As the large piece of rock landed squarely on top of the infernal machine, with Bizriel underneath. He couldn’t have survived, not even a giant like him. I gathered the remaining strength I had and drew myself over the edge and lost consciousness. I had a vague memory of cheering….

Chapter 8: The Return of the Shadow

After what seemed like ages, I could hear some babbling that sounded like voices but at a great distance, they got closer and closer and soon I could see a light, but it seemed far off. I opened my eyes and saw the anxious faces of a multitude of children staring at me. I jerked back to full consciousness with a start and sat up. There was excited babbling and a cheer went up. It was broad daylight and I was still on top of the cliff. I stood up and looked down, everything that had transpired during the night seemed so faint and distant and well….unreal. But here were the children…..
I found out later that someone had cried out when they saw two figures atop the cliff fighting it out, all work had ceased and everyone stared fixedly at myself and Bizriel fight. When the slave-masters saw their lord falling down amid a shower of rocks and smash into the machine a great fear came over them, seeing the demise of their leader and they began to run. The children set up a cheer and started chasing their cruel oppressors and I don’t think they were ever seen in that part of the world again.
Then they gathered around me. Thankfully none of them knew who I was, but even if they did know that I was actually The Shadow, I think my face wouldn’t have been recognized, as puffy and swollen and dirty as it was.
I led the excursion back to the village where we were met with great celebration and joy, the parents were so glad to see the children and many wanted to thank me. But I wasn’t there anymore, at least not visibly. I’d done my job and had defeated the plans of an evil mastermind. Besides, I don’t like crowds and don’t think I would have done well there as the center of attention. I did manage to sneak out a plateful from the feast that went on afterward though.

The Shadow

Monday, February 13, 2006

The Shadow Continues Even Yet

Some notes of explanation perhaps, though if I were to try to explain all the little quirks of my mind it would take forever *sigh*
"Crime Over Miami" was the title of one of the Shadow novels, and perhaps the best known. In the radio shows, the bad guy would always be in a room (either by himself or with other bad guys) and they would be talking when suddenly this weird, low chuckle would sound. Then someone would say "what was that?!" and then it would come again along with "It is the voice of The Shadow" or something like that. And they were scared and said "I can't see you!" Terribly corny and very fun.

Chapter 5: The Gathering of the Shadows

I crawled through the shaft for quite a ways until I saw a light up ahead. I cautiously approached an opening on the bottom of the shaft and peered down.
There was a young man down there seated at a table reading a book, I caught a glimpse of the cover and saw the title “Crime Over Miami” or some such rubbish as that. It wasn’t something I was interested in. I cloaked myself and dropped silently into the room.
His attention was held fast by the book so to distract him I gave a low chuckle.
Nothing happened.
I chuckled again, louder this time.
Again, the man didn’t even look up from his book. It must be very engrossing book. Finally I practically shouted “The Shadow wishes to question you!” But not a stir. I walked over to the front of the man and was startled. The man was the governor of the nearby town; and he was dead!
Quite obviously he had been propped up in this position to fool anyone who happened to come in by the ventilation shaft, luckily I had shrouded myself in invisibility just before I came in so whoever may have been watching had not seen me. The walls looked soundproofed so I hoped they hadn’t heard me as well.
I went over and cautiously tried the door, it wasn’t locked, apparently they didn’t expect a dead man to escape. They hadn’t counted on the Shadow for a visitor though! Heh! Nyeh Heh Heh Heh……
It was quite a maze inside the castle, I followed the main passageway for quite some time before I saw anyone, it was an old man who was chained to the wall at the far end. I crept up closer and whispered into his ear:
“Keep silent, I’ll do what I can to rescue you.”
The old man looked around himself in vain. “Where are you? I….I can’t see you!” He cried. I assured him that it was all right, even though he couldn’t see me, I was indeed a friend.
“Now, I’m going to try to pick the locks on your chains here.”
“What chains?”
“The ones on your wrists and ankles of course!”
“Don’t you be going and doing a fool thing like that!”
“Why not?” I questioned.
“Because I put myself here and I want to stay here!” He said proudly.
I jumped. “You put yourself here?” I exclaimed incredulously.
“Why of course! I knew if I walked around the castle in my present state that I’d be a harm to others and myself, always stumbling down stairs and perhaps killing myself, it would be awful. I sleepwalk every night so I decided to chain myself up so I can’t go nowhere and hurt myself! The owner of the castle was kind enough to allow me the use of his chains here. Of which he apparently had a spare supply thankfully!” He cackled.
“Now why would you be going around hurting yourself?” I asked dubiously, “I don’t often hear of sleepwalker’s getting hurt!”
“What are you, deaf? I said I couldn’t see you didn’t I? Couldn’t you have guessed that I was blind?” I must have looked awfully chagrined at that point I’m sure.
“Yep!” said in reply to my silence “I’ve been blind for nigh onto thirty years now! Glad I don’t hurt myself all the time like I used to!” He added cheerfully.
Well, apparently there was no need of my services here. I bid the old man goodbye and started in the opposite direction. As I walked I heard echoing from the hallway behind me: “Goooooooooooooood-bye.”
After what must have been at least a meter of walking, I heard ahead of me the murmuring of voices, I crept up closer, more cautiously now and once again donned my cloak of invisibility.

Chapter 6: Flies and Shadows

“It’s suspected that there is an intruder in the castle, no one has seen anything yet but there have been little things that happened recently to make one suspect.”
“What things are those?”
“Well in the first place, the band of 'Werdwolves' we had are suddenly shivering in fear at every little noise, in the second, we found the ventilation shaft in their chamber open, I highly doubt any of them could have done it. They’re not that clever. Thirdly, we found the door to Governor el Crotez’s room open and I highly doubt he opened himself!” He gave a horrible laugh and I shuddered. What vile men these were! If they were anything like their lord, Bizriel, I was going to have my work cut out for me in rescuing the village.
The men continued talking but I slipped around behind them. The air smelled foul this way and I knew from experience that
“when you followed your nose to the smelliest place,
the villains are sure to show their face.”
So I started down the corridor to the right. After quite a bit of time, I spotted a doorway up ahead, the air was getting rather close now. I opened the door, slipped inside and quickly shut it behind me so that if anyone happened to be looking, they wouldn’t see an open door. There was only a dim light on here. I crept along this new passageway as cautious as before.
I heard a low buzzing sound coming my way. At first I wasn’t sure what it was so I flattened myself against the corridor wall. Then my worst fears were realized as I saw a swarming mass of man-eating flies coming right toward me! They must have heard the door open and thought it was their feeding time! What other vile creatures did Bizriel have in his castle! Werdwolves, Red-eyed snakes! And now……..man-eating flies!

I knew I couldn’t make it to the door in time and besides that I was determined to press on so I took the only course of action that the flies wouldn’t expect. I charges straight into the mass with a laugh of triumph!
Straight away I knew that was a mistake so I quickly closed my mouth. The flies' momentum carried them past me except for a few that clung to my clothing.
The angry swarm turned around and followed me down the tunnel, the flies that were already on me started to invade my sleeves and even my eyes, I could scarcely see, so bleary eyed was I already. Even swatting and brushing at them didn’t seem to help much, but I pressed on, it was my very life that was at stake this time.
The angry swarm was almost upon me, once they caught up I would surely be pulled down to my doom, up ahead I saw a room, sealed with a glass door and it had a cloudy vapour inside. I somehow felt I had to get inside, my strength was beginning to be depleted (after being awake all night long) but with a sudden burst of energy I took a deep breath and dove through the glass and into the room!
The entire swarm followed me and almost instantly dropped dead at the rush of the powerful vapour, bodies littering the floor at a depth of at least 7 inches around me.
This must have been the room of safety for the men who fed the flies each morning, I’m sure they must have had suits on but still there was some necessity of getting rid of the flies that clung to those suits.
Regardless, I had to get out of there fast or I’d soon join the flies upon the floor. The gas burned at my eyes so I felt along the far wall and just as my breath was giving out, found the handle, turned it and slipped out, shutting the door behind me. I gulped in grateful lungfuls of air and soon felt ready to press on. I knew I was nearing my destination when I saw moonlight coming from up ahead. With any luck, this was part of the tunnel that Bizriel used to get to his mines in the mountains. But what could he be mining? I scarcely dared to even imagine.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Shadow Still Continues

I apologize, last night I didn't have an Internet connection at my camper, so when I was on the computers on campus I didn't have access to my files. Anyhow..... to continue. Notice that the "wyewolf" is of course the biggest ;)

My Dear Miss Lane:
The former account I made, O Margot, of all that The Shadow began both to do and to sneak, until the day in which He was taken captive, after he through the tunnel had given entrance to the Werewolves whom he had spoken of.

Chapter 4: Shadows out of Bond

I was not entirely comfortable with the thought of facing a werewolf alone, he couldn't see me but that didn’t mean he couldn’t smell me. He crept closer, fortunately staying clear of the shaft of moonlight in which I was standing. His fangs bared as he snarled and then he glanced over his shoulder.
I saw a several doorways back there with one that was open, beside it was a sign with gold plating that said in just about as simple terms as possible: Werewolf.
At the signal from the wolf though (as signal it must have been) the doors next to it began to slide open one by one. I quickly glanced over the signs.
Good heavens! Not only had Bizriel been experimenting and housing such hideous creatures as werewolves, he had even more dastardly monsters locked up with it! A Winwolf, a Wyewolf, a Hoowolf, a Wutwolf and a How-wolf all came stalking out of the doorways!
Well naturally I wasn’t going to waste any more time before making a move, they would soon have me surrounded, I boldly took the measure they would not have in the slightest expected.
“Halt! I say, Indeed, I command thee!” Which unfortunately seemed to have no effect.
Their leader (the werewolf) spoke just then.
“Why art thou here, and whence dost thou come from?” he asked rather bluntly if not rudely in fact (Werewolves always talk like that).
I waited a moment before replying, no use making myself seem too anxious to strike a bargain.
“I have come from overhill and under, I have come through fire and water, below toads and above snakes, The Shadow stalks unseen and can vanish from any place of captivity should he choose so, no bars nor walls can hold The Shadow!” This slight bluff, I felt, was justified under the rather touchy circumstances.
It must have worked for the wolves began muttering amongst themselves (everyone knows that werewolves especially are not very bright and even Bizriel had not been able to correct this fault with his new creations) and having an argument. The Werewolf turned his attention towards his fellow wolves and tried to settle the dispute, apparently it was over who had the right to eat me. Each said that since they had the greater precedence it was their inwolfiable right to have me for their supper. Perhaps my bluff hadn’t worked after all…….
But I lost no time in staying and listening, there must be another way out of this place, my first guess was opposite the doorways that the wolves had come out of (if I was their keeper I’d surely want them as far from where I come in as possible!) and certainly there was a doorway there, almost obscured in the darkness of the place.
The wolves had missed me by now, they were rushing towards me with fury in their eyes. I struggled with the door but of course it was locked from the other side. It would be!
Well, The Shadow wasn’t going to give up without a fight! I would battle them to the death if need be, and I didn’t have much hope of winning the battle against six vicious wolves. The safest spot seemed to be that shaft of light I was standing in earlier so I headed back there as fast as I could, the wolves charging head on but I had the advantage, they didn’t know exactly where I was!
I ran in between two of them and swung my fists as I passed by. On landed squarely on the nose but the other only brushed by the teeth. That was close.
The one started pawing at it’s nose, the other five wheeled around and rushed at me, I was running as fast as I could for the light, glancing back over my shoulder to see how close they were getting, the largest (the Wyewolf) was ahead of the pack and closing in fast, I knew I’d never reach the light in time so I wheeled around and as I was stepping backward prepared for the final battle.
The wolf made a tremendous leap at me and I braced my legs, but alas! One foot stumbled on a bone lying on the sandy floor and I toppled over backwards. I caught a fleeting glimpse of two pairs of legs and a tail flying over my body and then I rolled over and was on my feet again, I looked after where the wolf had gone.
He’d sailed past me and his momentum carried him right into that shaft of light I had previously been standing in. A blinding flash and then…….. the wolf was gone! In it’s place was a small pup, whimpering.
The other wolves stopped, seemingly in shock over what had happened and went howling off to their doors which closed behind them with a snap.
I went over and locked the mechanisms just to be safe.
Bizriel must have wired this light beam (I knew now it was not really moonshine but some special ray) to protect himself when he went in with his precious wolves. Why he left it on I have no idea, but I am forever indebted to him. I tossed the Wyewolf pup into his door, I wasn’t sure if the untransformation was permanent or not but I was taking no chances.
Now about that beam of light, if I could get up there I could probably find a way out. There was some iron rungs protruding out of the wall so I quickly followed them to a grate leading to a ventilation shaft. A wolf might not be able to climb ladders and unscrew grates, but The Shadow fortunately is talented in this sort of occupation. I undid the latch and crawled inside. It must lead SOME where.

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Shadow Continues

This story is continued from a previous post,
I actually realized that I had written the first three chapters together so that is why I'm only posting one chapter tonight.

Chapter 3: A Long-Expected Shadow

The passage twisted back and forth, first to the right and then left and back right, then left again, zig-zagging far into the mountain and down. After groping in the darkness for quite some time, I could faintly hear a hissing noise ahead and a slight reddish glow. I crept forward and was horrified at what I saw! A nest of vipers was directly in the path, a strangely hypnotic luminescence was coming from their eyes. I stood, powerless to move, entrapped by the paralyzing stare; But my mind was strong, I wrested my body back into reality and with a daring leap, I ran and vaulted over the group of snakes, their vicious jaws snapping centimeters away from my ankles!
I later learned that these foul creatures cannot see but their eyes emit a strange glow, similar to a radar system. Their eyes appear to send forth the light rather than receive light as a “normal” eye would and this paralyzes their prey. I shudder to even think about this recollection.
I must have been running out of terror for quite some time for I was quite out of breath, more because I suddenly realized that the tunnel was climbing sharply upwards. I also noticed that I was no longer in the dark but there was some light coming through small holes in the ceiling. Since no vegetation grows near Bizriel’s castle, the air holes cut long ago by the ancient ones had never been covered over. What a barren and desolate land this was! Yet this time I was thankful it was so.
All too soon I came to a doorway I cloaked myself with invisibility and pushed the door open. The room I entered was more of a large cavern really, it had a sandy floor and large openings far up near the ceiling. I walked out to the center where a beam of moonlight shone brightly down and then I noticed a stirring in a dark corner of the room, some creature was there!
The creature took long strides toward me sniffing the air and stopped just short of the beam of light.
“What are you?” it asked in sort of a snarl. My heart leapt to my throat, obviously it could smell me out and equally obvious was the fact that the strange creature was a werewolf!

And thus we must leave the Shadow for a period of time, until we are able to discover the solution to his escape. Until then, he remains facing certain death and I remain obediently yours: The Shadow.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

*Dusts blog off*

Er.... hi! It's been a while and it may be a while before the next real update. I have lots of stories to relate but will probably forget them all soon; It's just been extraordinarily busy around here.
Since Gus hasn't had a bedtime story from me in a while, I plan on posting something unlike anything you've read before and probably hope you'll never read again. I wrote this in a handwritten letter to a "much-younger" friend of mine as something to keep her entertained. This was several years ago so please don't expect too much and please don't think that I always write this way. Please also note that I'm not even going to take the time to go back and edit it. I was just digging through some old files and found it and decided to share. Hey! I need to be humbled every once in a while!

A slight history: I have been "The Shadow" for many years and one of his attributes is the power to become invisible, this young lady was my "Margot" (who in the radio shows was the sidekick of The Shadow) and I wrote it for her benefit. Many parodies and weird things can be explained. There are 8 chapters and I'll try to post two at a time.

Concerning Shadows
A Shadow’s Tale, by The Shadow

Chapter 1: A Shadow of the Past

It was dark and stormy, clouds gathered in the West and an ill breeze came from there. I knew something must be brewing in the castle of Bizriel, my most dangerous adversary yet.
Bizriel had adopted the methods of old, torturing nearby citizens upon the wheel, the rack, and of course the thumbscrew. Though I tried many times to tell the police about the doings of this wicked man who called himself a magician, they refused to believe me, partially I think because they couldn’t imagine anything so dastardly in this present age, but partially because their chief, Commissioner Farley, was in the pay of Bizriel himself! The villagers lived in mortal fear of telling anyone what was happening, Bizriel was cunning as a serpent and had made sure at least one child from each family was enslaved in his workforce. If one man were to report to any authority, he could jeopardize the life of his son or daughter!
Hmmm, a workforce of children, always working up in the mountains at night; Torture that seemed to have no reason behind it other than pure brutality; Bizriel must be up to something, but what? No one else could do the job, I had to infiltrate the castle and do it myself, disguised as……..The Shadow!

Chapter 2: A Shortcut to Shadows

I clung to the rock face and cautiously peered down past my feet, one slip now and I would fall over a hundred meters to a very certain death. The rocks were slippery since it had already started to rain but I knew I must go on, the very lives of countless children and even their parents depended upon me! I struggled on at the thought but then felt that there was no handholds left!
Suddenly and without warning I found that nearly all the knobs I’d been standing on had vanished, the rock wall I was clinging to was moving! Upwards I felt myself being lifted, over the top of the cliff and then down with a sudden motion I fell to the ground on this small plateau. I lay motionless for a few moments and then carefully rolled over and looked at what it was that I had ridden up. It was an enormous Toad!
Towering far above my head it blinked stupidly at me, then slowly turned and waddled off. I was startled to realize that it had been wearing a top-hat and dinner coat! My immediate thought was that it must have been a by-product of one of Bizriel’s experiments, whether intentional or not I don’t know, but I knew I must continue my attempt to reach the castle undetected. It is true, I could have gotten past the guards at the main gate easily enough, but they constantly kept dogs at the gate as well, I could never fool them, I’d be torn to shreds in an instant.
No, I must find some way around the back. Quickly I studied the plateau, in the corner I saw some monument, many years old with pictures denoting some natives worshipping an image in the sky. I couldn’t see the image very well, it looked rather puffy and clouded to me. But behind this pillar? A secret entrance in a wall of stone! It led in the direction of the castle so I was certain that this tunnel had been previously used to reach the plateau. Then it hit me like lightning. The ancients must have come here to worship or perhaps entreat the Precipitation gods to send rain. I was suddenly reminded of an old saying: ‘The rain in Spain falls mainly on the Plateau.' And sure enough, there was a little circle of clouds overhead and the rest of the sky was only overcast as far as the eye could see. I shrugged my shoulders and stepped into the shadows of the passage."

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I've been tagged....

I suppose I'm forced to do this, and since I didn't get a post in last night, it's fine. ;)

Four Jobs I Have Had
- Groundsman for Yosemite Highschool
- Neighbourhood yardman.
- Apprentice Carpenter
- Help Desk for SafeRegistry.com

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over
- Star Wars (original) trilogy
- The Lord of the Rings (set of three movies)
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe
- Monster's Inc.

Four Books I Could (and Have) Read Over and Over
- The Pilgrim's Progress
- The Chronicles of Narnia
- The Hobbit
- The Mysterious Island (by Jules Verne)

Four Places I Have Lived
- California (many various places)
- Washington
- Stillwater

Four TV Shows I Watch
- Firefly
- Dick Van Dyke Show
- The Jack Benny Show
- MacGyver

Though those all are not on a regular basis by any means!

Four Places I Have Been On Vacation
- Washington D.C.
- Texas
- Washington
- Missouri

Four Websites I Visit Daily
- Ebay
- www.Lilbro.net
- The Silver Branch
- my e-mail :)

Four Favorite Foods
- Pizza
- artichokes
- Sweet Potatos
- Apple Pie

Four Places I'd Like To Be Right Now
- Church
- Home
- Visiting friends in California
- Am I allowed to say heaven?

Four Bloggers I'm Tagging Who Must Now Play This Game
- Um... Violin
- How about? Vinca?
- I have no idea.
- I don't know many bloggers.