Monday, January 07, 2008

Fust day o' class suh.

Indeed! The semester has begun. My first class this morning was at 9:30 so I had quite a bit of time to make breakfast (pancakes and bacon) finish up Job in Matthew Henry (very good and rewarding) and sing our new Psalm of the month, Psalm 53. I even saw my roommates before I left the house!

The first class was with Dr Bunting. We had some trouble getting the volume up for our single student in Tulsa (distance learning) but the class itself sounds interesting. We're going to be using computer programs mainly, and programming our own programs to come up with solutions. That sounds very practical and I'm looking forward to it.

However, for the benefit of the Tulsa student we are supposed to push a button on a microphone near us when we answer a question. The problem with that, is the camera in the room swivels quickly and noisily to focus right on you. This is rather intimidating in my opinion. It's like one of those robots in Star Wars poking his face directly at you, and you had better not answer this question wrong!

The second class immediately followed and was with Dr Krazinsky, an old Polish gentleman. The class was solid state devices (electronics) but his examples all seem to focus on war. He said that world war two was responsible for the rise of semiconductors and likened the movement of an electron in a material to going through a group of soldiers and said that red LEDs were good for sniping. I've heard that his quizzes and class in general are extremely difficult and require a lot of memorization. We shall see.

The final class was with Dr Fan. This was the most interesting. He had a bit of a cold so sounded hoarse but this didn't stop him from getting very, very excited during his lecture. He began by telling us what we were going to learn, then started to talk about trees. The top of the tree is called the crown but underneath is the root system which often spreads two to four times the diameter of the crown. "This class" he said, "is like these roots. It might not look pretty but it's foundational, you need this and you need this solid foundation." He went on to show us a video clip from "Facing the Giants" (a football film I've never seen) in which a coach gives a /very/ motivational and forceful demonstration, then Dr Fan starts yelling at us and saying how he believes in us, we will have to work hard and keep up and get this done so do it! I felt like we should have cheered or said "yeah!" or something ;)

The nice thing about that class is that he said that the top three people in the class will not have to take the final. I'm going to shoot for that. After he said that, one of my classmates said "ha, Logan doesn't stand a chance" jokingly, but I think that may be closer to the truth than he knows. There are some smart people there.

So that was day one. Currently there are some unexpected guests at the house but I don't mind. It's just about seven people more than I was expecting ;) I need to talk to Jonathan and let him know that he needs to /ask/ first and let me know what's going on. They are watching a movie and I'm going to join them in a bit. So good night all!


At 6:02 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does sound like an interesting first day! I am surprised that many people can fit into your house :)
Just teasing!


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