Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Physics, Electronics, the Universe, and Me!

I ate some corndogs today. *waits for gasps of amazement*

I've been busy all day but still have LOTS to do so I'd best [try to] make this short.

Physics was first, the professor (the grandmotherly lady) really wanted to stress a couple of issues so she sounded almost the entire lecture as if she were reprimanding all of us. You SHOULD KNOW THIS! I cringed in my seat and begged for mercy. Okay, not really, but it felt like that's what I should have been doing. She's really nice though.

Then was the digital logic design class. I met with my group members and discussed the proposal I was going to hand in that afternoon, I went over a few questions that one of the team members had (this was afterward, I went to the computer lab with her to show her the thing because it was online). Then headed home to do a little Physics homework, print off my proposal for this afternoon, and take a quiz (online) for the Digital Logic class. It wasn't a super easy quiz but there was no time limit and of course, an open book (and more importantly open Google) sort of quiz so I finished in 22 minutes with 100%, which I was happy about. Some of the questions had to do with topics we'd not looked at yet and my previous training in this area really helped as did Google! I wonder how some of the other students will do.

It's funny, I've never considered myself to be that outspoken but everyone in the group seems to look to me as the leader as well as people in my other classes. In my Chemistry Lab, in the Physics lab, in every group I've essentially be the one who kind of keeps everything going and oversees it. I don't know if that's because I prefer to do it or not, I try to be willing to explain everything to everyone. For example, in the digital logic design lab that we had this afternoon, I pretty much linked everyone's circuits together and showed them how to get it going, and then after it was all done, showed the two ladies exactly how each part worked (I had some diagrams that I'd prepared before class for the proposal). Then explained how to work with binary numbers to one of the ladies and she was very appreciative. I guess no one has ever worked with them before. Do I feel like a leader? No.

After the digital logic design lab (which I just alluded to) it was about 5:10 so I headed over to the Physics building because I'd been told there was a help session for our Physics class at 5:30. There was indeed and the guy was there for just over two hours (until 7:40) explaining different things on the board, acting out friction and forces on the floor, he did an EXCELLENT job and I really, really liked him. There were eight students there at first (kind of sad considering how large the class is, it fills the auditorium) and only 5 stayed until the end. He just kept chugging along though! It was a time to ask questions but then he went over some material that we'd not covered yet (partially his own experiment to see how we did in comparision to others on that material) and some material we had covered. His name was Chuck and he had a very rich voice too, would make an excellent narrator for a Shadow mystery radio show...... Or something like that ;) Always thinking of voices!

Then I came home. So it's been a long day but profitable I believe. It's just about time for bed now and I'm a bit tired so I'll say goodnight. I am excited though to have received my set of B.B. Warfield's writings, they look interesting and not really that hard to read. At least at first glance, we'll see :)

One section from the biography of Pink (which I'm wondering how it's going to transition because it's talking about his Scofield Bible that he carried around, that he went to the Moody Bible school etc. but then I know from his writings that he was very reformed in belief) I thought was interesting. Pink was quoted as saying, about a Catholic Priest who worked in a camp where he was at:
"With whom we got aquainted. He volunteered to give us Scripture for every Popish dogma and practice, and when we put him to the test (as we did, again and again) we were amazed and awed by the subtle manner in which he misappropriated the Word." This demonstrated to Pink the uselessness of arguing about divine things and it also confirmed him in his view of the vital importance of possessing a deep and accurate knowledge of Scripture.

I just thought it was interesting how yes, some people can grossly distort Scripture. The principle that Scripture interprets Scripture is immensely important!


At 5:41 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The digital logic class sounds like fun.

It's wonderful when t.a.'s are around and can answer all your questions. The stuff about friction is especially fun when you get to inclined planes. Then you get to find yet another use for trig. :-)

I like the stuff about collisions, too. Comes in especially helpful when you're playing pool or fooze ball:-) By the way, is that how you spell fooze? I don't know that I've ever seen it written before.

Well, have fun with the physics.


At 5:44 AM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

Yes, this Physics guy isn't really a TA though, he has a doctorate in Physics and is just kind of doing this on the side. I don't know if he is being paid for it or not.

We've already been working with inclined planes and Newton's laws and such, things are progressing quickly!

I looked online and apparently it's "foosball" (all one word) but I wouldn't have known that, even though we used to have a table. Some people spelled it "fooze ball" some people said "fooz ball" but apparently the "official" way is "foosball." Now we all know in case someone asks!

At 8:17 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*gasp of amazement* there

you must have been waiting a while...

sounds like fun :)

At 9:06 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes, the people who don't feel as though they should be leaders, or are leaders at all, make the best ones. That's why Aslan asks Caspian in "Prince Caspian" if he feels ready to be king, and when he says no, Aslan replies, "Good! You will be, then!" or something along those lines.

Scripture interpreting Scripture is important--if only because Christ does it Himself! It is so painful to hear people distort the Word, though. Men really are blind to the truth of the Gospel.

At 7:41 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*gasp of amazement* Lol. :D

At 1:34 PM PST, Blogger Unknown said...

*gasps in astounded amazement*

(at the amount of reading I have to do to catch up since I've last been here)

Shadow, I often find myself having taking the lead in various classes as well. Not because I like doing it, but because everyone sits around waiting for someone else to take the initiative, and I end up jumping up before another.

It is only upsetting to be in such a position when someone comes up to you later and tells you how overbearing you were. That's when I grin to myself and say, "live and learn!"


Christians rarely realize how futile it is to argue about spiritual things. It comes from a sense of obligation: "I'll change your mind!" when we all know that the mind is subject to the human will, which only God can change...

Clear presentation of truth never hurt anyone, so long as it's understood that spoken truth will not instantaneously effect 180-degree turnabouts in someone's head...

Thanks for the post.


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