Thursday, January 26, 2006


I'm going to try to make this short because I'm tired and I want to get back to my book :)

Sorry for no update yesterday but it was an extremely busy day. Let me tell you a little about this week.

I was assigned 41 problems in Calculus, which really isn't all that bad because it's only dealing with logarithmic and exponential functions, yet it still is very time consuming. I spent about three and a half hours working on that yesterday as well as working on an assignment for Computer Science, we were required to submit a data structure form with cards and a tree listing of all the objects in a class we were "designing." Anyway, I made a powerpoint presentation with about 22 slides, which again wasn't that difficult, just time consuming to get it all done.

Today I worked on some Physics homework since we will be tested tomorrow on one random problem from what was assigned. I also wrote a conclusion for this past Tuesday's lab. I still have a Proposal to write for next week's lab (next Tuesday), I would like to test out a circuit we designed in the lab (using the FPGA board that I purchased, you hook it up to your computer and program it), I have an Engineering Homework paper to write for next Monday's class, a Computer program that is supposed to be assigned sometime today or tomorrow (check online he said), and then of course it would be a good idea to read ahead in everything :)

Tuesday was roughly the same, I took a quiz online, fulfilled my lab requirements etc. etc.

I feel like I'm trying to plug a hole and every time I get one hole plugged, ten others spring up! I think I'm getting a handle on it, I've been working pretty much all yesterday and today and got quite a bit done, hopefully I'll be able to finish up a bunch more tomorrow and then Saturday "should" be nearly free for little clean-up things. I should probably work on next week's Physics homework so I can ask questions if necessary at that Tuesday help session.....

In addition to my morning and evening responsibilities (posting a devotional and discussing it, then the daily Scripture reading and discussing it morning and night) and answering on average, oh, about 12 e-mails a day in depth, and in addition to the weekly influx of questions and irate customers from the job... things have been staying fairly busy! I had over a hundred this week as well but probably 90% of them were just out of office responses etc. so the 10% only took about an hour total. I like that job but you get some funny e-mails from time to time. I had one person e-mail with the words:
"I have a laptop."

And I'm thinking "Hmm, well, that's nice. Thanks for telling me! Of course she was responding to a poll question but instead of clicking the link to vote, she instead just decided to reply and tell me in person I guess :)

I love those ones especially because I sit in my camper by myself reading it aloud (or screaming it rather). I'm tempted to respond with OKAY!!!! I'VE DONE AS YOU REQUESTED! sometimes... but that wouldn't be professional ;) I strongly dislike it when people type with the Caps lock on, though I think most do it just because they can't be bothered to hit the shift key and typing with all lowercase makes them look like they are dumb or something. Actually I don't know the reasoning behind that.

But anyway, after doing a lot of work today and going to my Calculus teacher's office at 5:00 p.m. this afternoon for a few questions (he was kind enough to arrange a meeting upon my request) and then coming back and completing the problems that I had trouble with that he explained, I decided to rebel a little. I cracked open my new copy of Hodge's Systematic Theology and started reading at page 1. Ah! That's what I was referring to earlier when I said I wanted to get back to my book! I'm already appreciating the logic of it very much and really enjoying it. I'm nearly done with chapter one which is pretty much the introduction. I just couldn't bear to let it sit on my shelf any longer. I've felt the past week that all of my time has been sucked up by school and while it is my responsibility to be in school right now and study... at the same time I don't want to neglect my personal study! I thought I'd have more time this semester! So now the drive is to finish my school studies (yeah right, like those are ever really done, there's always some extra reading you can do) so I can get to my favoured studies.

I've got most of the major stuff out of the way, I've just got a few papers left to do that shouldn't take too long and are due Monday and Tuesday. The programming assignment will most likely be due next Wednesday I'm imagining. So, I'm signing out so I can get back to me book guv!


At 7:29 PM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

Wow, you must have read through that quickly, you commented less than ten minutes after I'd posted! Not that it was an extraordinarily long post (I'm actually ashamed of my "post-it note" posts I've been doing lately) but still.....

Thanks for the encouragement, I didn't know you read this blog, nor did I know you were in Engineering at one point. I'll must queryeth thy furtherest.

^(tired engineering student)

At 7:34 PM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

The comment above was to a person named "Beth" which I assumed was someone we all knew. She said I was brave and best of luck, she couldn't handle the Calculus or Physics so that was why she had switched from Engineering. Thus my comments of incredulity.

However, this Beth had a blog, which I went to check out and it was on College Dating and then went into a few of the er... gory details (kissing) and I knew it must NOT be the same Beth. Someone is now getting past even the word verification now? Yikes! So I deleted the comment. I suppose I could delete my comment as well and then no one would ever know but I tend to compound matters with MORE words, not less ;)

At 8:33 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You *are* quite busy. When I was doing precalculus (don't laugh, please :), it used to take me hours to do those function problems because of all the equations I had to punch into the calculator. It was fun to see the graphs turn out neatly, but it was *not* fun when one little parenthesis was out of place, or when the calculator suddenly wouldn't function because I'd hit the wrong key.

Persevere with trying to hold up the dam. :)

At 9:13 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, for the bedtime reading twas a pleasure. Gus

At 5:11 AM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

You're welcome Gus, thanks for letting me know you're still there! Wasn't todays (or rather last night's) rather boring though?

Thanks for the encouragement F.B., and I know how it can be to miss a parenthesis in there somewhere, which happens quite a bit if you've got a really long, complicated equation with square roots over natural Logs raised to the n+3 power or something! After a while you almost start to develop an intuition though, I'll be going along punching it all in (I do it by hand but then check on the calculator) and then just insert a close parenthesis where it feels about right. Usually it comes out okay too! Of course there is some thought put into it but I guess you kind of get a feel or a subconscious memory of how many you should be doing.
By the way, I absolutely love my TI-89. It's wonderful.

At 7:07 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, you sure are busy! And i thought college was all just a big party!


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