Saturday, January 28, 2006


I honestly don't have much to speak of today. I feel that I got a bit done but not as much as I wanted of course. I viewed a few auctions today, had some correspondance with a few people on Ebay (questions regarding auctions etc.) and let me see.... wrote two papers, cleaned up the camper, printed out a few things for classes (it's amazing the amount of paperwork I've accumulated already this semester) and all in all, just kind of tied up loose ends. I've still got quite a bit of reading I can do in my textbooks and another proposal that is due next Tuesday. I have the propsal outline written up as well as the introduction and specifications, I just have to write up and create the design! This is supposed to be a team project but I think I'll probably end up handling it all myself, though I've sent out a couple of e-mails to the other members letting them know of things and asking for suggestions if they have any.

I also watched a couple of TV shows I had on DVD, all in all I pretty much just "hung around," piddling with little stuff. I'm on Chapter 5 in Hodge's Systematic Theology. Chapter five of the introduction that is! It's the chapter on the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, which I'm a bit interested in learning about not because there is a girl in my Digital Logic class who claimed to be Catholic (but not a very "good" one she said) when I asked her upon that subject a while back. So many branches I just don't know enough about! For example, I found out that my old Math Teacher went to Church of Christ, the only thing I know about them is that they don't use musical instruments in their worship, but as Mr. N said, that's about the only thing the RP church has in common with it though. So how do you talk to someone about it, at first I was leery but I had no idea what she believed, I need to start asking everyone to show me their doctrinal statements so I can see! :)

And that's about it. I'm going to work on the design for the circuit we need to present next Tuesday, hopefully read a little after that, and go to bed! As my brother would say: kthxbai.


At 6:57 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All those proposals sound rather daunting. I'm going to have to come up with one for an undergraduate research project--thankfully, though, the professor who's helping me is one of the people who are in charge of the whole undergraduate research program, so she should be able to give some good help.

Last night I watched the tail end of "Mr. Deeds Comes To Town" with my mother, Daisy, and Brother2. That was interesting. Gary Cooper is a good actor. :)

At 6:59 PM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

Yes, and he write poetry too! :)

At 4:05 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8:02 PM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

Um.... okay... I'm just going to make believe that never happened. :~)


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