Friday, November 18, 2005

The cool knight err

The topic actually does have something to do with the subject of this post, I'm thinking because I probably should have worn something a bit more "standard" last evening.

Yesterday I scrambled madly to finish an assignment that was handed out Wednesday and due Friday in my Economics class because I knew that that time slot between 4:30 and 5:30 would be the only time I'd have to work on it! I did finish it thankfully and was able to go to the banquet in the Ballroom that evening for an initiation into an honour society. For the most part it was a waste of time but the honour of it and the joyful solemnity of it was not lost upon me. I enjoyed it for the most part. Phi Kappa Phi claims to be the oldest all-discipline honour society in the US and the highest honour here on campus. It must not be that difficult to enter though because I've really only taken General Education classes and just a small smattering of ones that actually relate to my major, so essentially I'm a Sophmore I would think.

I felt rather out of place as well, I heard it was to be formal but not extremely strict, so I went in my tan slacks, blue and white striped shirt and wore my camera slung over my shoulder and my golfing cap on my head. With white tennis shoes! As everyone filed in I was very interested to see that I was the only person (from what I could tell) that had on white tennis shoes. Every single other person of the 300 or so present, had black dress shoes. I imagine my footwear may have stuck out when I approached the podium but I wasn't too worried. I can't run in my dress shoes and that's what I was most concerned about. After these dreary meetings I just want to let loose, if you know what I mean.

They had a pianist there who was quite good. She played everything from Beethoven's Fur Elise to Scott Joplin's Pineapple Rag (if I recollect the tune correctly) and she played very fast too, it made a good atmosphere.

I was seated by myself at a table for quite some time, until the place started filling up and the only seats left WERE the ones at my table, I guess I was last choice for some late fraternity guys. Interestingly enough though, they talked among themselves but when they directed a question, they usually asked me. Which is odd because I like to just sit and listen to the conversations. You can learn a lot just by watching. For example, if there are two conversations going on, sometimes the words they use are identical. One person is talking about how he is conscientious about something and then the other conversation, two seconds later, the person will say that so and so is fairly.... conscientious. I don't think it's a coincidence because it happens all the time. I think that their ears are picking up words even though they don't really realize it, or maybe they do but don't think about it. They are certainly not following the conversation.

Another interesting thing I've observed and was reminded of today, that people naturally gravitate toward the "troughs" on the sidewalk when crossing a street. They may have to walk three feet over to the left to get to the trough but they just kind of funnel on over there (it's for the wheelchairs or bicycles, so they don't have to jump the curb). Me, I'd rather take the 5 inch step off the curb but then most people probably don't analyze things like that.

Anyway... back to the life of the party...... I took a picture of the chaps at my table, not a bad crew. Two where finance majors, two were Horticulture, and three were accounting I believe. So I was the only Engineer at the table. Here is the picture of the motley crew. I'm the one holding the camera.

I also took some pictures of the food we had, which was quite good actually, though the chicken was too dry so some vinegrette was good for that. I can't imagine trying to prepare all of that food and still have it ready
to come out all at once (because they did it in courses). Maybe I don't want to think of that.......
First was a.... lovely salad, if salad could be called that. I was sincerely hoping at this time that it wouldn't be the main course.
After that we had a bit of bread and then finally the main course. It was chicken (as I alluded to before) and had some nice vegetables on the side. One of the young men (the one on the right of my chair, in the sweater) said that for a class he was having, he had to change his lifestyle for three weeks and be a vegetarian during that time. He lasted 2 and a half. He said that while he felt he still had as much energy as on his normal diet, that it left him getting stressed a lot easier. I don't know why that would be, but I suppose it is wonderfully soothing to bite into a large steak......
He started talking about markets with meat and such and I was surprised that I was able to hold my own in the conversation and explain a little to him how something would work. Essentially he said that 70% of the grain in the country goes to feeding the cattle for the meat we eat and that with the rise of more people coming into the middle class and more are able to afford meat, that he was wondering where the grain would come from because we can't grow much more! Well, first of all, if there is a demand for more grain, I'm sure there will be ways to grow it, but even if that doesn't happen, the market will work itself out in that if more meat is demanded and cannot be provided because of the lack of grain to feed the cattle, either
a) people will choose leaner meat that hasn't been fattened up by being grain fed in a feedlot, or
b) the price of meat will rise and less people will buy it. So the market equilibrium would be most likely at about the same quantity, but at a higher price. That is assuming that more grain could not be grown that is. Say, I do think I have picked up a thing or two from this economics class! My instructor is really one of the best I've had in any course. That can be attested to by the fact that I was able to discuss economics with a finance major and economics isn't even related to my major!

Well.... that was a little rabbit trail..... Back to the Party. Perhaps I should abbreviate that to B.P. because I have a feeling I'll be using it a lot. Here's the main course. It was chicken with noodles and then of course the vegetables. The noodles were rather tasty. Obviously I wasn't shy at all about whipping out the camera and taking pictures of my meal while it was being served. I wonder sometimes if I appear to be a nut, or just eccentric or just plain weird.

Then we applauded a lot for different things and people and we said our pledge and then filed along by college to the head and recieved our pins and certificates while they rattled off names. I was last in my college. Still, I shouldn't complain, there ARE people (like Mr. Y) who are yet further behind in the alphabet. That reminds me of how my grandfather (who said that he was always one of the last to receive pay at the Air Force base he was on) said he had wished his name was Alfred Adams or something like that. As it was, he would stand near the head of the line and collect debts from those who owed him money before they spent it :)

B.P. Well, there isn't much more to say. After that it sort of dispersed and I went on home. I should say that before I went to the banquet I went to pick up a used computer from a fellow I've been e-mailing. I may be able to fix it up and give it to my brother for his birthday. He would love that I'm sure. In the meantime I may use it to play around with Linux a tad. He was oriental and we talked for a little while. When I was ready to leave he asked if I was European to which I told him no. Now isn't that funny? Considering my attire for the evening I am not sure I see the reasoning behind that question...............


At 11:27 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice pictures

When im in competitions, they do it in order of the letter of the first name. And that is s, so its kind of near the back

At 12:31 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweet hat!!!!

At 1:03 PM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

Sweet? Um.... I've heard that phrase before.......
I like the hat too. I wore one similar to it when I was very little but it got too small for me. This one I found while helping some friends clean out an older house that they were moving into.

At 9:16 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha. well, it's still an awesome hat (and does make you look English ;) )

At 3:21 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can understand why someone would ask you if you were European--with that background, you almost look French. :)

Long parties.... There've been a couple that I've had to go to on campus. Not very interesting. I just sit and listen to people chit-chat. Sometimes, if the table is full of upperclassmen, you can learn interesting things about their studies or their professors.

At 3:23 PM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

Well he didn't see the background of course because only I was there. I certainly hope you mean the BACKGROUND looks French and not myself. Which would be among the highest of insults :)

At 7:23 PM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

And yes, I just sat around and listened as well, as I said I like to observe and do that often. They had some interesting things to say but for the most part it sounded like ordinary juniors or sophmores who just want to make it through the class with a passing grade. At least I didn't feel intellectually dwarfed while I was there :)


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