Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I had to post some funny happenings today. The names have been changed to protect the clueless.

I do tech support for a local company. My employer, Mr. Y goes to the church I attend. We recently sent out the first "Tip of the Week" e-mail from our company and got lots of "out of office" replies. One of them said:

"I will be out sick on Monday the 14th."

Now wasn't that thoughtful to notify everyone ahead of time? Y said "Those advance-notice sicknesses can be particularly nasty!"

Another person apparently thought our "Tip of the Week" was from her mother and she says:

"Oh, mom. I'm always careful about stuff, but seriously, I've left my messenger bag on the second floor landing, run up to my room to grab my calculator and keys, and come back, and the bag is still there. Our room is so far removed that people rarely frequent it. Thanks for the email though, I'll keep it all in mind."

Apparently the tone of the tips was something her mother would have sent? So she replied to me. Here's another response:

Hi President. H.D.'s email address is this is not her email address. If I get another safety tip email from you with the subject saying D.H. I am gonna snap. And by snap I mean lose it and by lose it I mean flip and by flip I mean punch you in the gut.

Well! Uh.... *cough* Perhaps he should have said something before? I can't read minds. Yet another person sent me a message that said:

"I still don't know the combination to my safe."

And er... am I supposed to know it? I'm not a locksmith or a safecracker I'm sad to say.
So... that's life here in tech support. Sometimes it's fairly interesting, other times it's not. This was by far the busiest day I've had, with over 125 tickets, which is probably more than I've received in 3 months. Some were actual questions. Some actually just said "Hey, thanks for the tips." Most were just out of office responses.

By the way, another interesting thing I saw today was a user name a person had that was:
I don't know how many people are familiar with l33t-sp34k but he misspelled Shakespeare.


At 7:20 PM PST, Blogger e said...


While I was working for Mr. Y, sometimes I'd see e-mails that had similarly strange content. Sometimes they were sent by people in India or Japan or Germany whose grammar was atrocious--and it was painful because you could tell they were trying to sound "cultured", but weren't succeeding.

At 7:30 PM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

Really? I didn't know you worked for Mr. Y. Did you do tech support for SR like I am or was it something different? I do enjoy it by the way and Mr. Y said today that if the EE thing doesn't work out (uh... thanks) that I should go into customer service, which was a high compliment. I'm trying. Honestly, I just laugh at things like this whereas a lot of other people get frustrated I know. My grandma and lots of people I know are among the confused and I once was myself. I can recall back to when we first had a computer. Boy, was I ignorant!

At 6:49 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of those letters are hilarious


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