Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I AM going to write about last week and my time spent during the Thanksgiving holiday, D.V. when I get the chance. I haven't forgotten about that.

Did anyone try that "freaky card" website? I'm curious to see what others thought of it. I thought it was very well done. *psst, the link is in the previous post*

Well, the night is old (for me) so just a few things before bed.
If not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled.
- PG Wodehouse

Things were fairly busy and they will be for the next two or three days. I have a lot of stuff to do and certain timeslots allotted to each task. I should be fine. I hope.
Classes went uneventfully and afterward I dropped by the TA chemistry room to ask for assistance (and double-checking) on the assignment due next week and it went extremely smoothly so I should be all squared away for that next Monday. There was another young man in there who is an Animal Science major, seemed like a really nice guy and looked just like Mr. Y's favourite professor on campus, I thought perhaps he might be his son! But he wasn't. He was giving help to another guy who was struggling in chemistry. For an animal science major (and one who claimed to hate chemistry) he sure knew a lot! He knew everything that I knew in chemistry and then quite a bit more, I was very impressed. Then he talked about some mechanics and engineering subjects and I was very drawn towards him. Not only does he seem to be very informed and bright, but isn't flashy about it at all. He was a very down to earth type of guy. Perhaps I'll see him again.

Today was the last lab in chemistry, we were supposed to break up into groups of five or six but when we do that, two guys take a section each and then copy results. I mean, how much do you learn that way? So I insisted on doing them all myself, which seemed to agree with my lab partner (I don't know, perhaps that unknown gas did something to him.....). We were dealing with soaps and detergents, surfactants and such and how to get something to clean. One of the prelab questions was "What does hydrophilic mean?" Which was easy for me to guess at, I said essentially it means "water lover" or "a friend of water" which was correct. That is one reason why I want to take latin, so I can have a better grasp on my own language. I find that knowing roots and prefixes helps in so many situations, thankfully I'm usually able to see the relationship even without studying those languages. For instance, Hydra was a water serpent (greek I think) and knowing that "hydrophobia" means afraid of water (as all the phobias are being afraid of something) and that "philos" means love (I think). Though both of those must be Greek. Anyway, I think affiliate might stem from philos too.....
All that to say that seeing a relationship between parts of a word to other familiar words really helps a lot.

Just today I turned on the TV for a few minutes while eating lunch and I saw part of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" which I'm personally not a big fan of..... anyway, one of the questions was

Which of the following is a decennial event?
A. leap year
B. lunar eclipse
C. summer olympics
D. national census

Well, decade, decimal etc. refer to 10 so it must be a ten year thing. Summer olympics and leap year are both four, and the lunar eclipse is more often than ten years so the answer must be D, final answer. Another was the word "Supercilious" refers to the Latin word for: lip, nose, forehead, eyebrow. So knowing roots can help a lot. But most of the people reading this probably know more than I do on that subject. Suffice it to say that I now realize the importance unlike I did in years past!

Another question that was asked made me laugh, because it asked what colour Ronald McDonald, the advertizing icon for McDonalds, wore the most of. Possible answers were red, purple, green, and yellow. The lady didn't know! She had to ask the audience. 99% said yellow and 1 guy said purple (I'm sure that was a sarcastic joke). Though I don't see McDonald's commercials, I thought that just about everyone in the world knows the yellow emblem that is McDonalds, even if they didn't know Ronald. It was kind of funny.

So anyway, that's about it for tonight. Short and simple. Now it's time for bed. Oh, I found this and it gave me a laugh. I remember seeing it in Calvin and Hobbes.
Leave it to a girl to take the fun out of sex discrimination.
- Bill Watterson


At 10:53 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I found this and it gave me a laugh. I remember seeing it in Calvin and Hobbes.
Leave it to a girl to take the fun out of sex discrimination.
- Bill Watterson

In the context of Calvin and Hobbes, this may be forgiveable. Suzie, afterall, is Suzie, and she sometimes deserves what Calvin and Hobbes do to her. :-)


At 5:03 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Lots of work to do!

That fencing class sounds interesting, by the way. I've always wanted to learn how to fence ("broadsword-fight" would be more accurate, but since I'm not going to be whisked away into a fantasy epic any time soon, I don't suppose I'll have the chance to learn that :).

At 5:54 PM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

Hmm, are you laughing at me? :)

I too have wanted to learn how to broadsword fight for a long time, or more accurately, perhaps using single hand or hand and a half sword. That would be a lot of fun!
I think that's one of the reasons I liked the book "Eragon" so much, because of the swords that were in it. I'll admit I wanted to learn fencing since I was very young but not as much as a "real" sword would be. Learning to use a lightsaber would be the best of course.


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