Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Prayer Request

Please pray for a young man I've come in contact with from Belgium. He contacted me because he liked my guide for The Hobbit video game, I e-mailed a few times, he found out I was an American and was surprised because generally he doesn't have a very high opinion of Americans and then I added him to my Google Talk list, which is reserved for only family members and close friends. I told him as much (and that I'd never done that to anyone but a family member or close friend) and he asked why I would then and I said "call it a whim."

Well, this morning he started talking about how this Friday he is going to court, his parents are divorced and he and his two brothers have been spending a week with their mother and a week with their father at a time, he couldn't stand being around his mother anymore (she's Catholic but drinks too much he says and wants him to be Catholic and he feels like there are problems with that religion) so this court hearing is to reevaluate the situation. His biggest fear is that he will get called to give some kind of testimony as to why he doesn't want to be with his mother any more (and the reason might sound dumb) and that he might start crying again. He confided that he's cried more this last year than ever in his life.

I queried him a little, tried to give encouragement and told him I would be praying for him. He claims to be of the religion of "Wicca" which he says is kind of a magical thing, using powers and magic but not demonic worship (he claims) but they believe in a god and goddess. The "god" is sometimes referred to as "the Horned One" though. I don't good in it.

He also said he's surprised I'm talking with him because he usually doesn't keep friends and he's hard to get along with. Please pray that I'd be able to know how to handle the situation with grace and not be too harsh. I would imagine he is definitely under the age of 15 but I don't know for certain. I'm not sure how open he will be to hearing about the Gospel, right now I feel like all I can do is be a friend for him and do my best to show how my hope and confidence is in God. When I told him I'd be praying for him he said he really, really appreciated it and knew if anything good happened that day, it would be because of that, and that no one has ever offered to pray for him before.


At 7:23 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've prayed for this young fellow and will pray some more.

There seem to be so many troubling stories about broken homes and dysfunctional families. It's wrenching when you meet such people personally, though. Sometimes their troubles are self-inflicted, sometimes imposed in violent manners by those who are supposed to be sources of stability and nurturing.

It is encouraging when a pweson can bring some sort of comfort to these people. It's even better when these troubles can become the means by which people come to the Lord and find their hope in Christ.


At 8:50 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem to be able to touch all ages and are so kindly in the way you handle things. I will pray for you and also for the young person. I miss your blogs, but you are very busy and you shouldn't take time for my entertainment, but thanks for the time you have taken. Gus

At 5:03 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you, and for him.

At 5:05 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S.: I was reading in Psalm 106 today about how Israel made a golden calf and ascribed God's goodness to that instead of to Him. Seems to me that people are still doing the same thing. If anyone could see God's power in nature, it would be these Wiccans, who claim to be so "in touch" with nature. Instead of praising the Creator, they praise creations--and nasty creations at that. Why does man feel so drawn to worshipping "horned ones"--cows?! There's nothing so wonderful about cows....

At 5:15 AM PST, Blogger Shadow said...

Thank you.


He looks more like a goat to me.

And my father might disagree about there being anything wonderful about cows, though I know that's not what you meant!

At 6:49 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


As far as cows are concerned, they are nice to watch from a distance because they're so fuzzy and big eyed and curious. One of Daisy's favorite animals was at one time the black and white dairy cows OSU has at their dairy barn. Healthy cows looks so contented and peaceful. I wouldn't mind taking care of cattle as long as they didn't step on my foot.

It's hard to see how the ancients could be serious about worshipping a cow, though!!!



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