Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Wonder of Inspiration

One of the greatest beauties of the Bible, especially made manifest in a chaotic world, is it's unity and harmony. As the Westminster Larger Catechism says "The Scriptures manifest themselves to be the Word of the consent of all the parts, which is to give all glory to God."

Try taking a plumber, politician, a farmer, and a college professor, just four men, from the same era, and set them down to write something like the Bible, tell them to create their own religion. The result would be (as one can imagine) disastrous. Even if they collaborated and worked in the same room, there would be disagreements and a vast difference in quality. The end would be an abandoned project.

And yet, can you imagine a prince and lawgiver (Moses), a general (Joshua), prophets and scribes, kings (David, Solomon), musician (Asaph), herdsman (Amos), statesman (Daniel), Priest (Ezra), tax collector (Matthew), a physician (Luke), a scholar and Pharisee (Paul), fishermen (John, Peter), Greek, Hebrew, and then they all write and unite with one voice and proclaim what God has spoken to them? In other books, written by one man, there is often a lack of harmony. Even one man by himself, contradicts himself. How then, is it possible that dozens of writers, across a period of 2000 years, with a wide variety of skills, thoughts, and occupations, could be so harmonious, so beautiful? The only answer that makes any sense and is even remotely believable, is that they were inspired by God.


At 5:56 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6:38 AM PST, Blogger Petr said...

ya, really!

At 10:36 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God for His inspiration!

At 1:45 PM PST, Blogger jonnio8 said...

A good point indeed...

Never thought about it that way.

At 4:53 PM PST, Blogger Petr said...

BTW, I need filler for my blog, its not exactly coming along with a lot of info because I am rather busy. I went back into your archives to find the "Page Update Watcher" and just couldn't find it. Could you give a link to give to the general public?

Ok, ok, I'm being a little lazy on my blog. But at least I'm trying to keep it alive...


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