Friday, June 01, 2007


*Takes of hat and cloak*

Phew! It's been a while!

Should call myself the musty traveler, or at least someone who hasn't been updating for a while :)

But things have been busy. For example, the last two days I've spent a total of 20 hours at work, Steve (my employer) wanted to get a few things done that evening, like order some PCBs (printed circuit boards) because that was the last day they were having a 20% discount from the company. I just wish I had known about that sooner so I could have concentrated on that earlier. And besides that, the money we saved from the discount probably wasn't worth the extra hours put into it. But it means that this past week I've filled in enough hours to have counted Monday (which I took off) as a work day, and four hours besides! So yes, I've put in quite a few hours this week it seems.

But I'm really enjoying my work and seem to be doing well at it. Rob does almost all of the programming of our boards. I replaced Matt who had been the hardware guy, then Ben was hired on additonally a go-between for Rob and myself and to get some more cross-pollonization between everything so it wasn't just one person that had all the knowledge for a specific part. Now however, I'm being told that they are switching gears a bit and I was called into a meeting today by Sajin and Vicke who are basically trying to organize everything and make it all "modular" and streamlined and "professional" and they wanted to know how the Bolus code works.

Bear in mind that I've never seen a line of this code, never worked on the Bolus at all. I had no clue. From their standpoint, everything has to be software development and the things they talk about all have to do with that. From my standpoint, I'm happy to let Rob do all the programming and I just go play with my hardware, now they're trying to drag me into the programming and told me to look over some of the code this next week and figure it out. I dislike programming and it's been over a year since I did my last bit of it, and I'm honestly not very good at it. Plus, this is in a language I've never worked with before, so suffice it to say that I'm not too happy about that! :)

I would much rather focus on what I have been doing, testing and developing hardware, I guess I wouldn't mind a working knowledge of the programming but not this way! I especially don't want to spend that much time just looking over code on the computer. Thursday I spent 11 hours straight at a computer, then went home and did another hour of tech support (on the computer) for Dan. Yikes! Let me out of here! I almost don't want to see any computers for a while :)

But it is going well overall and I'm really not complaining. I'd like to show some pictures of what I was working on, perhaps I'll upload those.

And I've been doing a bit of reading as well, but I'd like to move on to a couple of observations and things to share:

First, today as I was driving home and thinking about lightning (there was a thunderstorm) I started thinking a bit about light in general. More specifically, I started wondering about what would happen if the semi I was next to at a stoplight, were to be struck (since there were some near strikes) and if I would be blind for the rest of my life, and how to pull off to the side of the road to let other cars go by, but then realized that they would be blind too.....

But I started thinking that the nerve sensors in our eyes are rather sensitive, to be able to detect waves of energy and assimilate them into various forms of images that we see, they sense various colours etc., it's absolutely amazing! But give them too much and I'm sure they would be blinded permanantly, and damaged. This led me to consider how appropriate it is in Psa 36:9 to say "For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light." and even how the first words God spoke have to do with light. Light is used 272 times in the Bible, 25 times in the Psalms. Just like a lightning flash, or an atomic bomb flash which annihilates the sensitive nerves in one's eye, God's greatness would completely consume our poor spiritual beings, this body, this person would be completely consumed. It's only when God strengthens and brings one to Himself that we could stand it. His greatness is so excellent that He only reveals a tiny dim shadow of Himself to us on earth, and even that seems so bright at times! One day He will reveal Himself in all His glory, we shall know Him as He knows us, we shall /see/ Him face to face, we will be able to take in all of His majesty and have all eternity to enjoy it! A book I read recently talked about how marriage and the relationship enjoyed there is the highest form of friendship and intimacy that we know, to be loved and to love someone in return is amazing and something I can't quite fathom, yet it is only a tiny taste, a dull and bitter taste, a dim and faint shadow of what is to come. The love that Christ has upon us and the love that we will be enabled to have for Him are so amazing that I can't even begin to imagine, and I mean that in all seriousness and not as a cliche.

And then the light turned green and I drove off thinking it would be good blog material :)

I was also reading Pilgrim's Progress in the 19th Century this past week (again) which is still decently good. The author definitely had a motive, the last 200 pages have been spent in one town, talking with the same three persons about revivals. It's not bad, much of it is quite good, but the story hasn't been moving along in the slightest! I'd at least like it to mention that they started walking on the highway while talking, so I felt like I was going somewhere! But there was a good passage that I wanted to share, a good analogy. Lately I've been seeing so many analogies (like the one I just shared) that I've begun to suspect that God made the world the way He did so that everything could have an analogy. Like a tree's roots and growth make many good analogies! Blame it on Frodo. ;) Anyway, this one is talking about a sinner who thinks that he is saved because he submits to God, not that God saves him regardless:

"Attraction is to the world of matter, the same that disinterested love is to the moral world. It belongs to every little atom on the surface of the earth to remain in its place, and in connection with its kindred atoms, to revolve aroudn the sun, the centre of our material system, attracting and being attracted, according to its quantity of matter. But if a single atom were to take state to itself, and fly off from the surface of the earth high into the firmament of heaven, and claim to be the centre of the material system, and require suns and planets to revolve around it as the acknowledged centre of attraction, - this would resemble a rational creature who makes himself his supreme object and who wishes the Creator and all his creatures to make his good their centre of attraction. But because we deny to this atom the place of a common centre for the system, has it therefore no appropriate place? Certainly, it had its proper place. It was the place of an atom; and it behooved it to cleave to the surface of the earth, and in connection with its kindred atoms, to attract and be attracted; and in a steady and orderly manner to revolve round the real centre of the system. If this atom is not acting in character, when it seeks to make all other bodies revolve round it, so neither is any man or angel who sets himself up as the supreme object, and seeks to make all other beings subordinate to him."

And this, is my update. Adieu.


At 7:03 PM PDT, Blogger Petr said...

I'm no good at first comments. :(

So... the N's all said hi.

Nothing else much to say right now. Good talking to you this afternoon.
Bye now.

At 7:09 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the friend of the shadow. sombrero would be better :)

yeah, programming seems messy to me..

At 7:37 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, good to have you back. :o)

Hmmm.... Work sounds rather overpowering just at the moment. I'll be praying for you about that.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about light. :o) That's something that is fun to play with, to think about God as light--lightness as in brightness, or as in terms of weight? And then you throw into the mix C.S. Lewis's phrase about the "weight of glory", and add light to that.... Would make good material for a sonnet. Paradoxes and contradictions. *grin*

At 7:38 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and speaking of light, the point you brought up about marriage is interesting, too. One way in which human beings can *reflect* Christ's light, and be like Him--showing that sort of love to one another, I suppose.


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